帕特尼·斯沃普原名:Putney Swope,
Dark satire in which the token black man on the executive board of an advertising firm is accidentally put in charge. Renaming the business "Truth and Soul, Inc.", he replaces the tight regime of monied white ad men with his militant brothers. Soon afterwards, however, the power that comes with its position takes its toll on Putney... This film had about everything one could wi...
RioLiv 2015-05-15
PTA的圣经,每一部PTA都能窥见Putney Swope的影子。PTA的高中毕业纪念册上,他把Mimio加进了自己的名字。
赱馬觀♣ 2017-03-09
大奇特(Grinch) 2020-05-20
Cinema is dead 2022-10-24
[Deleted] 2013-02-15
VincentP 2021-09-11
蛮好笑的,特别是那些穿插着的广告部分,简直是又烂又好笑,影响了美国喜剧的发展,现在SNL里面还能看到这种fake ads。当然片子里无厘头的若即若离的喜剧感还影响了Louis CK,PTA等等人。除此之外还融合进了那个年代的黑人运动,black panther,嬉皮士的love&peace等等元素,搞笑但是又很高级。
七叶 2019-04-26
lwt-twl 2014-01-31
没完全看懂 身边的老美们笑得很厉害 讽刺味很重 觉得喜剧的形式感很强
电影怪 2013-04-18
神作,讽刺入骨超越the network,才开始5分钟我就笑岔气了。60年代末颓废气息点赞,音乐棒!实验性影像+演员的大根演技也很有化学反应*** 是说我想看chafed elbows啊真的完全木资源...
䒳 2022-07-17
6.20 一本正經的搞笑。影響了PTA