Judas meets Jesus and at first doesn't know what to make of him or whether or not to trust him. A cynical **** boy, Judas makes fun of the country bumpkin disciples who follow Jesus but eventually decides to join the band, as well. He and Jesus become good friends, even though they often see things very differently. Ultimately, Judas is convinced that Jesus needs to use his pop...
住在二次元 2022-08-03
SlowFall 2019-09-06
油炸黄鼠狼 2023-07-15
Azura 2024-07-28
天呐这版妥妥言情剧 最后犹耶的死拍得跟殉情似的hhhh
carolynarrow 2024-02-14
-I thought I was special to you. -Everyone is special to me. -Then we are all the same. -Yes.
无波动肉桂茶 2019-09-09
哎 我哭惨了 犹耶真的是无法纾解的永恒悲剧
B612上没有狐狸 2022-07-21
人一个 2020-04-20
bluespaceship 2024-03-25
Judas:“死亡的冷寂比永生来说要好得多。” 拉撒路复活,抹大拉的玛利亚戏份有点少
milo stu 2022-11-20
jesus is *** , 他的门徒也都是***,耶犹是真的!