On the Fringe在线观看和下载

On the Fringe(2022)

演员: T·J·道 Ingrid Hansen Chris Wilson Nancy Kenny Bruce Horak



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《On the Fringe》相关推荐

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《On the Fringe》剧情内容介绍

《On the Fringe》


On the Fringe

一部獨立製作紀錄片,  跟拍8位藝術家、6齣作品、穿越10座藝穗城市,  一趟超過18,000公里的巡演旅程記錄.踏上旅程和我們一同了解北美的藝穗世界。  On the Fringe is a feature-length documentary road trip along the Canadian Fringe Festival circuit. Inspired by the world-renowned Edinburgh Festival, and still considered an underground experience, the Canadian circuit is one of the best in the world for local and international performing artists.  This ...