演员: Samantha Figura Marina Resa Jesse Eisenberg Trevor Zacharias Dylan Kussman
似雨一日原名:One Day Like Rain,
A teenage girl living in California suburbia devises a metaphysical experiment designed to save the world from what she sees as an impending doom...but the results of such an experiment prove to be both beneficial and destructive.
Eva8GR63 2011-09-07
Just answer me one thing, am I saving them or destroying them? -Is there a difference? 意识流的幽美画卷, 抽象的形而上的玄秘感, 自然.镜头画面每一帧都美! 配乐也如此灵澈的静谧与剔透. JE接此片可见他的品味深度,飚车也可爱XD 坠入星球的外星思想体。雨水是调*的..原来神经质也能那么风情万种
Lizzy 2014-02-03
零点七 2013-02-13