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Old Street(2004)

演员: Ray Winstone Victor Romero Evans David Tennant




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《Old Street》剧情内容介绍

《Old Street》


Old Street2004年短片类型片,创作于英国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Angus Jackson执导,并由派崔克·马柏任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Ray Winstone、Victor Romero Evans、David Tennant等著名实力派明星加盟。于2004公映。


A man named ken enters an almost empty underground car park at night. he enters into his van and drives up to the barrier inserting his ticket into the barrier lifting machine. Having no response kicks it ****** the lights go off. He pushes the **** button and a strange voice starts tormenting him for the bad person he really is.

Seth 2020-10-05

好吓人 半夜点开有点可怕 前四分钟还以为这是个默剧 dtt出来还以为是他搞的鬼 这肩宽也太优越了 博士前的dt真的好帅

橙子换马甲 2011-03-09
