Not of This World - Murray Perahia在线观看和下载

Not of This World - Murray Perahia(2010)

演员: 默里·佩拉西亚



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《Not of This World - Murray Perahia》相关推荐

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《Not of This World - Murray Perahia》剧情内容介绍

《Not of This World - Murray Perahia》


Not of This World - Murray Perahia

Since he was young, pianist Murray Perahia has performed with legendary musicians like Rudolf Serkin, Pablo Casals and Benjamin Britten. Also, in spite of an age difference, he used to keep a friendship with Vladimir Horowitz who inspired him as a mentor with his peculiar personality and performing style. About 20 years ago, he had to have a rest for some time with his thumb in...

Mandy 2016-11-20
