





暗室 乔丹·莱德、席瑞娜·文森 6.2
3. /
5. 蚂蚁头/ 12-23
6. 荒诞/ 12-28
9. 末路狂花钱/ 05-06
10. 第二十条/ 04-27
11. 热辣滚烫/ 04-21
12. 极寒之城/ 10-05




牛仔与法国人原名:The Cowboy and the Frenchman,

Little seen short film by David Lynch is set on a ranch in the turn-of-the-20th Century Wild West, USA is a collision of cultures where a grizzled, hard-of-hearing cowboy, Silm, and his two friends, Dusty and Pete, capture a mysterous, well-dressed Frenchman. Unable to understand each other, the fast-talking, slang-speaking cowboys and the non-English speaking Frenchman make th...

ReMinD 2012-06-17

耳背的牛仔好好玩 口音也很有意思。 **佬出门还带埃菲尔铁塔模型在身上啊。 难道是推销员来的。哈哈。

吃点薯片 2023-02-24

金色的麦田,一直摔倒的**人,他站起来的时候才有音乐响起。照片,what the hell, 埃菲尔铁塔模型,what the hell, ….一盘蜗牛,what the hell!

幻影刺客 2012-05-27

……**一家亲,又见双峰里的Jack Nance。

stknight 2010-08-25


三色堇紫 2021-08-03


Crayon Missile 2023-07-02

what the hell I got you大卫林奇

乙烷 2010-10-18
