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N是一个数:埃尔德什·帕尔人物像原名:N Is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdős,

N Is a Number: A Portrait of Paul Erdős is a 1993 documentary directed by George Paul Csicsery about the life of mathematician Paul Erdős.  Erdős himself appears in the film. As of 2007, using the official cast list in the credits, it gives Erdős a Bacon number (and thus Erdős-Bacon number) of 4. However, Sir Alec Guinness, identified by name by the narrator, appears in the film...

Dr.郭 2023-02-10



there maybe two common fate of mathematicians, one is keeping brilliant intelligence in very old age, and the other is going crazy and then died quietly

枝细胞 2022-04-05



很動人的紀錄片啊。"I can't stand sexual pleasure"...是他這麼厲害的原因麼。。

鱼尾巴 2012-02-04


sevennick 2011-12-25

每次想到我的Erdos number还是正无穷,我就很伤感。

Zoe 2019-05-30

"The Book is there.. The theorems have existence of their own. We are merely trying to uncover and read the pages.... We don't ****** mathematics... It doesn't matter who solves the problem. All of us just try to uncover the **** of the Book, decipher this whisper from the other world. "

银魔像卡恩 2011-05-30

之前看过“数字情种——埃尔德什传” 这部短小的纪录片把那本书变活了。 另外我的埃数是无穷大 因为我没有发过***** 哈哈

masterplan 2016-09-25

问题驱动的大师. "He asks questions."

曾者 2022-07-13

“He likes girls, but he doesn’t like the thing which they are standing for. I can't stand sexual pleasant” 固然令人惊讶, 而"The meeting, like life will, is nearing its end, but just like life, it was very pleasant." ”更让我动容。Paul Erdős尽管未婚无家无子,但是有一大群被他的才华吸引而聚在他身边的朋友。人可以没有婚姻与家庭,但可以拥有陪伴,三两好友已足够了,或许也一定需要这样的交流与陪伴。