你窗口的世界原名:The World in Your Window,
Eight-year-old Jesse lives in a twilight world of sadness and silence, squeezed into a tiny caravan with his grief stricken father. They're in limbo, existing **** than living. The child intuitively understands that looking forward is harder than looking back, and that's where life happens. But they are stuck, until an accidental friendship with **** driving Transsexual unlocks...
完全 2020-12-16
6 台词近乎没有,剧情也简单。 但是那一段拖车出来后,恍若初生的视角真的很赞。
hayden 2021-05-28
同志亦凡人中文站 2017-03-07
大洋洲 2020-06-02