霓虹灯下的圣教士原名:The Missionary,
In 1905, after ten years of missionary work in Africa, the Reverend Charles Fortescue (Sir Michael Palin) is recalled to England, where his Bishop gives him his new assignment, to minister to London's prostitutes. Charles hopes Deborah Fitzbanks (Phoebe Nicholls), his fiancée, will object and give him an excuse to say no to the Bishop. But she is so imperturbably innocent that ...
MerrieRobin 2024-08-06
发际线靠后 2022-08-12
newlight 2022-11-23
从故事到喜剧效果到演出都挺不错的。有一个Palin角色走向Highclere Castle的镜头,可惜那并不是Maggie Smith角色的家。Ardverikie Estate曾经开车路过,下次安排一次步行**去看一下Ardverikie House。
王大爷 2023-03-11
余鸟鸟 2012-10-21