别名:The Boy Who Wants to Live
演员: Nama Traore Jesper Christensen Milan Peschel Ulrich Brandhoff Alwara Höfels
男孩纳马原名:Der Andere - eine Familiengeschichte,又名The Boy Who Wants to Live
Nama, a **** from Mali, has crossed desert and sea for the ******* his mother wanted for him. Alone and underaged, he can only hope that the authorities won´t send him back to Africa. For the moment, however, Nama finds himself facing the accusations of a furious senior citizen, Willi, from whom Nama stole a pair of gloves. When Nama is injured in a fight, Willi’s heart of ston...
vivi 2017-08-26
3.5 今早三部片讲的都是德国人与外国人的故事,女孩和**入境的土耳其男孩、女孩到**尼亚度假遇到吉普赛家庭。这一部讲述老者和来自马里的年轻男孩的忘年交最为感人。用二战经历与难民经历相比较似乎并不对等,Nama身份成疑,但又有什么关系呢?Milan Peschel 可爱!
南溟 2018-03-20