上映时间:2021-08(洛迦诺电影节) / 2021-10(莱比锡国际纪录片节)
牧歌原名:Bukolika,又名Bucolic。2021年纪录片类型片,创作于波兰地区,由Karol Pałka执导,于2021-08(洛迦诺电影节),2021-10(莱比锡**纪录片节)公映。
Danusia and her daughter Basia live far away from the modern world, in tune with the rhythm of nature, among animals and the spirits of the dead. Their enclave brings peace and a sense of security, but they feel a growing longing for contact with other people. A parable about people who live dlfferently, an affectionate look that inspires curiosity and a desire to find out ****...
胤祥 2021-08-10
#74th Locarno Online# Semaine de la critique。离群索居的母女俩,摄影和音乐都很不错。
Mr. Lei 2021-11-07
【DOK Leipzig】与静谧村庄并不搭调的狂躁音乐是全片一大特色,结尾的火堆独舞意犹未尽
blood orange 2021-08-28
钧廷 2021-11-06