Moïse Katumbi: Foot, business et politique在线观看和下载

Moïse Katumbi: Foot, business et politique(2013)

别名:The Irresistible Rise of Moise Katumbi / L'irrésistible ascension de Moïse Katumbi

演员: Thierry Michel Moise Katumbi Chapwe



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《Moïse Katumbi: Foot, business et politique》剧情内容介绍

《Moïse Katumbi: Foot, business et politique》


Moïse Katumbi: Foot, business et politique又名The Irresistible Rise of Moise Katumbi、L'irrésistible ascension de Moïse Katumbi

The wealthy Congolese businessman, Moise Katumbi, is not only governor of the African province of Katanga, rich in precious minerals, but is also president of the famous football team "Le Tout puissant Mazembe".  The *****, football, politics and business are the ingredients of the cocktail concocted by this new African messiah named Moise.  He is the symbol of this new leadershi...

熊仔俠 2019-02-03
