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Miss Pym's Day Out(1992)

演员: 帕特里夏·劳特利奇 玛西娅·沃伦 约翰·博特 苏珊·伍尔德里奇 伊恩·麦克尼奇




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《Miss Pym's Day Out》剧情内容介绍

《Miss Pym's Day Out》


Miss Pym's Day Out原名:Miss Pym's Day Out,

After a 14 year dry spell, novelist, Barbara Pym (Patricia Routledge) is nominated for a Booker Award in 1977 for her novel "Quartet in Autumn". This short biography follows her the day of the prize presentation, as she observes people and reminisces about life and love. The prize is awarded to someone else that year, and in 1980 Pym dies of cancer. Written by kwedgwood@hotmail...