迷失黎巴嫩原名:Lost in Lebanon,
As the Syrian war continues to leave entire generations without education, health care, or a state, Lost in Lebanon closely follows **** Syrians during their relocation process. The resilience of this Syrian community, which currently makes up one fifth of the population in Lebanon, is astoundingly clear as its members work hard to collaborate, share resources, and advocate for...
celluloid 2017-12-06
lost in genration, lost in dream
倦怠感島民 2017-12-06
在graduate institution看的放映。很工整吧。四条线的形象都很丰富,而且四条线的故事都讲的很好,整个收放自然。最后看到新生儿抽搐式哭的时候,眼泪还是流下来了。从知识上也补充了很多我不知道的东西,还是一部不错的纪录片。