明月原名:Brilliant Moon,
Director Neten Chokling (Milarepa) skillfully uses animation, narration and location filming to profile the late Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, widely considered to be one of the greatest ******* Buddhist masters of the 20th century. A key teacher of the 14th ***** ****, and strong advocate for the rime, or non-sectarian, approach to preserving and teaching Buddhist philosophy and pr...
米枪 2013-10-31
鳏鳏 2016-09-04
我一直在想,大师**的时候是什么样呢。 另:注意最后的字幕,旁白是娄里德读的。
清平调 2014-09-09
. 2016-09-19
五顆星球長 2016-11-08
看到两张熟悉的面孔,曾经在书上见过的(包括创巴仁波切。片子一般般,但这位顶果钦哲法王很不一般,20世纪藏传**最伟大的masters之一,原来是十四世****的guru,这纪录片里基本只是简单地go through一遍生平而已,没有很深入地介绍为人、思想及作品,得好好延伸看看才行
远婴 2016-09-21
苏二 2017-10-06
shen.yanigans 2015-06-29
居然开头是动画片 ****://v.youku****/v_show/id_XNTc2ODkxMDIw.html
马赛克许 2017-05-16