灭点原名:Vanishing Point,
Navarana is a Polar Eskimo elder who lives in the most remote corner of the planet, the northwest tip of Greenland. Her ancestor a shaman who led a legendary migration, Navarana knows she is connected by blood to a group of Canadian Inuit. Wondering what life is like for her distant cousins in today's Arctic, she sets out on hunting journeys in both her homeland and on Baffin I...
星尘 2022-01-21
格陵兰岛的爱斯基摩人………一个遥远的异世部族……一种消亡的生活方式…………雪天一色的view美得太震撼💙……… (ps. B站官方片名为《消失点》)
黄西蒙 2022-01-04