孟买杀手原名:The Stranglers Of Bombay,
A murderous religious cult is way-laying travellers and stealing goods in nineteenth century India. As the disappearances mount and trade becomes difficult, the British East India Company is forced to act. But they give the *** to an upper-class officer completely out-of-touch with the country rather than the obvious candidate who has been in India for years and well understand...
马耳他之鹰 2021-06-24
可以证明 2019-08-07
Nikita 2018-04-23
彭小母 2021-11-25
猪猪侠Fung 2020-10-19
还有人说反映了印度殖民地人民对大英**的反抗,真的too young too ******, also *****... 这部电影基于真实历史事实拍摄。1820年代,印度尚处于英国东印度公司管治下,片中主角,东印度公司雇员William Sleeman当时从属印度中部地区警察署,通过多年调查和搜索,最后得以将名为Thuggee的****连根拔起,该**崇拜黑暗之母Kali,**使用布条勒杀行途**等劫掠财务,并从事活人献祭等,据称有3万人遇害。片中被抓捕**主动跳入绞索也是当时的真实**,因为该****相信每个被绞死者都是一次向Kal的i献祭... **在英国报道后举国震惊,英语里面的Thug(凶徒)也是由此以来。
戏中戏 2017-04-23
191030-20200412出蓝光版本了?~@#??拖延组(译风是类科幻?种族?异域?诡*?倾cult?)卡里神?印度多神教?主角光环啊,居然被动物救了~被动物喜欢的是好人!那是狸子~~?白巾绞首党!东印度公司的殖民,原住民的反抗?~巨人:福宾计划 Colossus: The Forbin ******* (1970~火星大接触 Invaders from Mars (1996~^%$#*希拉兹 Shiraz (1928^&^(