美国宪法之旅原名:Constitution USA,
Breathing new life into the traditional civics lesson, Peter Sagal, host of NPR's "Wait, Wait ... Don't Tell Me," travels across the country on a Harley Davidson to find out where the U.S. Constitution lives, how it works and how it doesn't ... how it unites us as a nation and how it has nearly torn us apart. Sagal introduces some major constitutional debates today and talks wi...
小强 2013-11-24
看看人家爱国主义教育片的拍摄水平 :)
星农 2018-01-07
有趣但不够深入。最后一集几个受访者说到身为we the people要对人民的力量拥有信念,竟然莫名有些感动。也许这就是我们心心念的公民精神吧。btw我国的宪法其实写的也是挺好的啊,虽然有时候真的只是一张纸。
非止 2013-10-27
长知识!正好配合最近在看的The good wife的背景知识!
大** 2013-10-08
大木乔 2013-11-03
Artery 2017-10-01
momo 2017-05-13
我应该在考government&politics 之前看这部片子的🙄
小宇宙引力波 2022-10-12
K 2017-01-01
Full of knowledge and humor🕸an erudite insight into how the constitution transformed modern America 🌞还好有纪录片
直接进攻 2020-02-29