美国老爸 第四季原名:American Dad Season 4,
American Dad! is an American animated sitcom created by Seth MacFarlane, Mike Barker and Matt Weitzman for the Fox Broadcasting Company. The series centers on the Smiths, a dysfunctional family consisting of parents Stan and Francine and their children, budding adolescent Steve and new-age hippie Hayley. Other main characters include Hayley's stoner husband Jeff Fischer; the fa...
** 2013-06-09
***还是第二集惊现Rutgers(顶着***** School的光环- -)片头曲的动画改了 **stereotype+racist实在是太喜欢了 然后我和Roger一样!Being mean keeps me alive!
动画片大王 2024-07-06
楽🌈 2023-05-27
E19: If he( his dad) can not accept you as ***, he doesn’t love you( enough). “I don’t need him anyway “
泽野 2024-04-04
Leahcim 2023-11-29
曲线救国***** 2023-12-27