演员: Samantha Nicole Dunn Deni Juhos Jordan Loew Oscar Pavlo
更新时间: 08-26 12:56
资源状态: 可播放
麦当娜和她的早餐俱乐部原名:Madonna and the Breakfast Club,又名玛丹娜和她的早餐俱乐部(台)
The documentary story of Madonna's struggling days in New York with her first band "Breakfast Club," leading up to her first solo record deal.
Jessica Lott 2022-11-23
It’s **, not a ***** documentary, but a good story, ***** march on, nobody gets in your way! (WD TVB
hayden 2021-09-16
蔡可夫斯卡娅 2023-04-29
了解了更多麦姐成名前的艰苦奋斗史。有才+勤奋+ambition+MTV 才造就了一代**。 也可以看出她为啥比Michael Jackson,Whitney Houston,Mariah Carey这些走得远
original_beast 2019-06-21
so it's not the real madonna. I'd rather watch venus dlite
布丁爱吃小面 2024-04-06
The documentary story of Madonna's struggling days in New York with her first band "Breakfast Club," leading up to her
林家铺子 2021-06-14
豆友2549479 2021-08-11
Madonna and the Breakfast Club
caven 2021-06-11
勾起了我年輕時的回憶, 飾演瑪丹娜的演員不論外表及舉止動作算很到位了...