A small art academy in fused into a huge university as one out of many institutes. They have to follow all the university´s administrative procedures. But secretly, the students and staff decide to self organize as an independent art school. They ****** their own courses, programmes and leadership, secretly and without the university´s knowledge.
胤祥 2021-02-11
#IFFR50# Ammodo Tiger短片竞赛+KNF奖。挪威艺术学院的学生们对抗系统的**尝试。其实……事儿还是挺有意思的(比如选了清洁工大妈做地下校长),但是这真的是世界上生活最幸福的国家才会有的烦恼吧……
Pincent 2021-02-03
7。#IFFR2021# 每个艺术教育机构都应该拍个这种好玩的!