

演员: 露易丝·布鲁克斯 雪莉·麦克雷恩 达娜·德拉尼

更新时间: 05-22 20:57

资源状态: 可播放






路易丝·布鲁克斯-寻找露露原名:Louise Brooks: Looking for Lulu,

Documentary recounting the life story of Louise Brooks in 5 sections: "Lulu in Toe Shoes"; "Lulu in Hollywood"; "Lulu in Berlin"; "Lulu in Hell"; and "Resurrection". Narrated by Shirley MacLaine and featuring numerous interviews with friends and relatives of the legendary star, it also contains excerpts from many of her films including her first on-screen appearance. Written by...

... 2022-12-22

在生命的尾声,Louise 笃定地说,那些想要掌控自己命运的人,会被命运捶打,而年轻时的特立独行只是一种“迷失”。其实她的故事反而是这句话的反例,任性地踏上去纽约的火车起,她已失去当小镇女孩的回头路。往后每个命运将她扬起或跌落的时刻,都印在好莱坞女演员产业的传奇之书中。

废话队长 2021-04-13


按时对话法 2020-05-03

中规中矩的纪录片 主要还是Louise Brooks本身比较传奇

Left 2022-08-30

She was a mystery from A to Z.