别名:美国职棒禁药疑云 / 美國職棒禁藥疑雲
演员: Bryan Blanco Frankie Diaz Nicholas Ryan Hernandez
更新时间: 10-24 15:01
资源状态: 可播放
Billy Corben's true-crime dramedy investigates the ***'s infamous doping scandal involving a nefarious clinician and his most famous ******: the New York Yankees' Alex Rodriguez.
椒盐豆豉 2020-12-19
全程连猪炮 + 小演员 parody 太搞笑了
旮旯 2020-04-06
「不管他嗑什麼,都給我來一點」真人版。Florida is something else.
elyse 2019-09-26
有一些所谓 2019-09-14
****** movies is a matter of choice, and Billy made his choices. His choices definitely make Screwball an enjoyable movie to watch, very entertaining, however, when it comes to addressing social issues, especially at the end the movie where he makes the statement through Pedro Gomez’s mouth, it is not as effective. I really wonder if any audience w
桂妮薇儿🌈 2023-05-05
bks 2018-09-29
#TIFF18 竞赛体育里滥用激素的纪录片?我对片中主角毫无了解,整个电影有没有偏向无法判断。从风格上来说,整部片子都有种低配版大空头那种让观众站在moral highground的high,低配版华尔街之狼的狠和道德败坏,加上儿童版蚁人louis的对嘴展示,有些意思。再次感叹在美国犯事,至少要犯得大犯得有名,坐了牢之后还可以出来拍部纪录片**,厉害。
HC 2021-04-05
聽力練習,what surprises me the most is that how can Tony talk about his crime like showing off?