Love on a Branch Line
Jasper is the perfect English Civil Servant - polite and refined. But to his girl friend, and even to himself, he is a bore. So he decides to become a painter in Paris. Not so fast. The powers-that-be send him to the country to dismantle a forgotten research unit which is headquartered in an old mansion. The eccentric owner lives in a railway train, on his own 'branch line', le...
高玉宝 2021-11-07
Eccentric British Comedy,在油管上看到这么个题目,就进去看了,很多人看着眼熟,但只认识94版Persuation的Anne和旺达鱼中的律师太太。三个小时,极偶尔地有一点好玩,整体很一般,确实很eccentric,很British。大英**之所以能建立起这样优闲优雅的乡村生活,是用对殖民的剥削来输血才供养得起的。如果一个镇子的经济能力供养不了自己的生活方式,那么这样的生活方式真的还有存在的必要吗?