Lola Loleng
The film revolves around a young woman's recollection of her Grandmother Loleng, a distant relative and a senile parol (Christmas lantern) artisan in the barrio. Together, they exploreGrandma Loleng's landscape of memories only to unearth her innermost secrets and wartime experiences. It is about memory and forgetting, both in the context of the personal and of the national con...
lam est lam 2022-04-18
sleepless 2022-04-17
高中肄業JK辣妹 2022-04-17
yylam 2022-04-17
#**菲律宾短片展 好喜欢这个表现手法,尤其是中途走马灯一般地回忆起***一生,甚至除去对话,只靠旁人的讲述就塑造了鲜活的人物形象。