林尼探案集 第六季原名:The Inspector Lynley Mysteries Season 6,
Lynley is at a birthday ***** for the young son of some friends when the boy disappears. Twelve years later the boy's corpse is found and Lynley travels to Rome to accompany the dead boy's sister back to England for the funeral. However, the past seems to haunt her, and a break-in at her apartment leads Lynley to suspect that the 12-year old crime is still reverberating through...
坐等1900 2017-04-22
大概是整部剧最赞的一集了 侦探自己被抓进去的感觉真是无法言喻 这集的剧情和后来的那部The Missing应该是参考了同一个真实案件 Lynley系列好像是那么多侦探故事里 难得一部单身男主和单身女主完全没有火花但是又友谊深厚的剧 深刻反映了英国不同阶层不可逾越的鸿沟 爱情也要门当户对
Mon 2023-04-29
本季一共制作完成四集,但***因为拍摄成本和新剧档期等原因决定把已播很久的老剧砍了,所以实际在电视里只播放了前两集,***Limbo设定在男主Thomas Lynley丧妻的半年后,他留人过夜后却被清晨闯入的警方告知女方已被发现死在他家楼下,他立刻成为第一嫌疑人,这集因为剧情需要所以有不少**戏份,就感觉编剧很懂如何吸引女性观众,都是让男主****,第二集Know Thine Enemy出镜的有James D'Arcy,他这么个美人演起**来是真的带感
Columbo 2014-04-09
这集案情还算精彩,不过凶手和结局还是老套路。Georgina Rylance在本集中的表现比起《蓝色特快》要出色多了。