Lilith und Ly在线观看和下载

Lilith und Ly(1919)

别名:Lilith and Ly

演员: Herr Akner Elga Beck Ernst Escherich August Hartner Franz Kammauf



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《Lilith und Ly》相关推荐

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《Lilith und Ly》剧情内容介绍

《Lilith und Ly》


Lilith und Ly又名Lilith and Ly

In this apparently lost film an inventor uses a strange jewel to bring to life a statue of Lilith, and falls in love with her. Soon, however, she begins to appear on a screen, also developed by the inventor, which reveals her to be a vampire who is slowly sucking his life essence from him, causing him to gradually fade away. He realizes the situation has become even **** drasti...