**记原名:Only Two Can Play,又名两***。1962年剧情、喜剧类型片,创作于英国地区,具有英语语言版本。由Sidney Gilliat执导,并由布莱恩·***、金斯利·埃米斯任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Peter Sellers、Mai Zetterling、Virginia Maskell、Kenneth Griffith等著名实力派明星加盟。于1962公映。
John Lewis is bored by his librarian's *** and henpecked at home. Then Liz, wife of a local counciller, sets her sights on him. But this is risky stuff in a Welsh valleys town - if he and Liz ever manage to consummate their affair, that is. 艾米斯小说:《模糊的感情》(That Uncertain Feeling,1962年改编成电影,名为Only Two Can Play)
spondee 2012-04-03
Bryan Forbes編劇。珍寶。好笑的***鬧劇,彼得謝勒演一個中年苦悶又*望衝腦的圖書館管理員,遇到*著一口瑞典腔英語的饑渴貴婦Mai Zetterling,於是彼此互相當起小三。搶戲精李察艾登保羅就是要來和彼得謝勒鬥嘴的。
newlight 2023-01-29
都说Peter Sellers是喜剧天才,我看他的表演就完全无感,倒是剧中两名女主角很出色。