

演员: Moyo Akandé Jude Akuwudike Andy Cryer Sue Devaney Bryan Dick



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末路狂花钱 贾冰、谭卓 5.9
第二十条 雷佳音、马丽 7.6
1. 热辣滚烫/ 04-21
2. 极寒之城/ 10-05
3. 孤注一掷/ 02-02
4. 学爸/ 10-14




两贵亲原名:Shakespeare's Globe: The Two Noble Kinsmen,

The Two Noble Kinsmen is a Jacobean tragicomedy, first published in 1634 and attributed to John Fletcher and William Shakespeare. Its plot derives from "The Knight's Tale" in Geoffrey Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, which had already been dramatised at least twice before. This play is believed to have been William Shakespeare's final play before he retired to Stratford-Upon-Avo...

Hesperia 2020-05-10

I usually like Shakespeare’s tragedy **** than his comedy but this production is excellent! Nothing extraordinary about the individual performance of each actor, but the chemistry in their interaction makes the show *****. Best actress goes to the prison guard’s daughter.

Atopos 2023-12-25


陆钓雪de** 2021-03-24

Schoolmaster一人分饰三角以上,真厉害。舞台效果用心,让很多文本看不出的味道显示出来了。《两贵亲》就像是****的《阿尔喀比亚德篇》,有****主义的模式了。英国戏剧跟前两天看的普契尼歌剧Tosca一对比,每个国家独特的表演艺术之间的区别就很明显了。而今天Randall展示的电影式的《罗朱》又大不相同。想起高中上政治课,老师**没有创新剧而只是翻拍金庸电视剧你爱看吗,我说我爱看的……另,Jailer's daughter表演太出色了,简直喧宾夺主,不过指不定这也是****的意思,毕竟跟柏拉图一样常常在最不起眼的地方道出惟一的真相。

莽莽苍苍 2023-03-23

剧情奇怪,表演无可挑剔。那段Morris dancing真是太棒了,氛围一下饱满起来。schoolmaster也超帅的!每次看皇莎的演出都感叹他们在选角上表现出来对多元性和包容性的追求,这很好!

amorphous 2020-05-17


Janie 2020-09-15

Shakespeare’s Globe 一開始全員黑人沒太看得進去。表演不太出彩,三星半給莎翁的故事。

不糊泡爪 2022-01-25

现在看来剧情有点儿戏。Shakespeare’s Globe版表演很精彩。

土肥圆一郎 2020-05-17

[2020_Stage_17] 这个剧院是****原剧场的重建,比较有趣。除了音乐比较不复古,舞台方面还是挺古的。