Le Secret du chevalier d'Eon在线观看和下载

Le Secret du chevalier d'Eon(1959)

别名:Il cavaliere e la zarina

演员: Andrée Debar 贝尔纳·布里埃 妲妮·罗宾 加布里埃尔·费泽蒂 伊莎·米兰达




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《Le Secret du chevalier d'Eon》剧情内容介绍

《Le Secret du chevalier d'Eon》


Le Secret du chevalier d'Eon原名:Le Secret du chevalier d'Eon,又名Il cavaliere e la zarina

Jacqueline Audry was a female director at a time when only a few of them -Ida Lupino in the USA-dared tread on this male territory.And her movies -when one can see them - are really delightful.  This one takes liberties with history:the chevalier d' Eon was actually a man who used to dress up as a woman.Audry 's character is a woman,which is a courageous move:feminism and woman'...

giligilieye 2017-07-25
