Leonard Cohen's Lonesome Heroes在线观看和下载

Leonard Cohen's Lonesome Heroes(2010)

演员: Leonard Cohen Judy Collins




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《Leonard Cohen's Lonesome Heroes》相关推荐

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《Leonard Cohen's Lonesome Heroes》剧情内容介绍

《Leonard Cohen's Lonesome Heroes》


Leonard Cohen's Lonesome Heroes原名:Leonard Cohen's Lonesome Heroes,

Although it can be difficult to detect the influences in the work of Leonard Cohen, as with all significant artists he was informed by a far-reaching list of performers, musicians, writers, poets and philosophies. And, when we look in the right places, his sources reveal themselves in the songs often considered to have emerged fully formed from their composer’s pen.  In Leonard ...

WiTS 2010-08-20

某些资料以往的DVD里有,但有新的关于Cohen的偶像的解说和Judy Collins的访谈

VANCA 2017-02-14

我的感想 https://movie.douban****/review/8359301/

斯荻 2011-12-14


杜鹏 2016-10-18
