Le Concerto de la peur在线观看和下载

Le Concerto de la peur(1962)

别名:Night of Lust

演员: 琼-皮尔里·卡尔弗恩 Hans Verner Marcel Champel




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《Le Concerto de la peur》相关推荐

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《Le Concerto de la peur》剧情内容介绍

《Le Concerto de la peur》


Le Concerto de la peur又名Night of Lust

"Two kidnappings: one by Sacha (Jean-Pierre Kalfon) of Fred (Marcel Champel) whose brother is Eric (Hans Verner), a blind trumpet player and Sascha's rival crime **** and the other victim is Nora (Yvonne Monlaur), unwittingly wrangled into the scenario and housed at Eric's maison. An inevitable exchange will take place in the final act of José Bénazéraf's Le concerto de la peur...