辣手催花原名:Onder ons,
Polish Ewa works as an **-pair in a small town in Holland. A sensitive girl, she finds it difficult to live up to her host-parents' clichéd expectations. When a **** takes place in town, Ewa believes to know the rapist. Having no one to share this knowledge with, it furthers her alienation from the people around her, resulting in her being send back home.
btr 2012-04-01
#HKIFF# 讲述一个内向的波兰女佣在荷兰家庭的故事。导演从三个人不用的视角重述同一段故事,结构和镜头语言都不错,但那故事本身徒有惊悚的外表,经不起回味。
冰棒巴乌 2012-04-01
得一 2012-06-20
chestnut girl 2012-04-02