别名:The Old Man and the Balloon
老人与气球又名The Old Man and the Balloon
山东菏泽人安爷,自由职业,卖气球,来北京 11 年,刚开始在建筑工地干活,因为太老被炒鱿鱼,就算是看 大门也没人要,只能卖气球。一个七十岁的老头,四个孩子的父亲。本想熬到小儿子大学毕业就不干了,但是, 想到儿子结婚还没钱,儿子买房的钱怎么办?生活还得继续,还得接着卖气球。 The peaceful old man from Heze, Shandong enjoys a carefree *** of selling balloons. He has been in Beijing for 11 years and just started working at a construction site. Because he is too old to be fired, he decided he can only sell balloons. H...