别名:The Return of the Prodigal Son / Awdat al ibn al dal
演员: Mahmoud El-Meliguy Hoda Soltan Shukry Sarhan Ahmed Bedir Sid Ali Kouiret
浪子回乡原名:عودة الابن الضال,又名The Return of the Prodigal Son、Awdat al ibn al dal
In this Andre Gide adaptation, an activist is released after many years in prison and returns home, shaking up established relationships among his family members at the farm governed by his strict father. Demonstrating Chahine’s eclecticism, this is an elegant melodrama, exuberant musical, layered allegory, and profound portrait of personal and political disillusionment.
欧 2022-11-05
很高明的文本,“浪子回乡(عودة الابن الضال)”的情节虽在一开始就得以交代,但随着故事的深入意味竟不断加强。有时看起来并无有必要的歌舞编排其实并不突兀,似乎是导演对故事之影像介质的故意提示,并借此拉开观众和电影现场的距离。归乡的浪子以阶级斗争的名义制造戏剧冲突,离家的少年却在爱情中迷失了方向。二者配偶以两种的不同形式展现女性意识,这亦是颇有意思的组合。4.0