

别名:浪荡柏林 / A Fine Day

演员: Serpil Turhan Bilge Bingül 弗洛里安·斯泰特 Florian Stetter 塞尔达·卡亚 Selda Kaya Hafize Üner

上映时间:2001-02-12(柏林电影节) / 2001-10-18(德国)



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人肉之花 昂格利基·帕普利亚、德尼·拉旺 6.3
自由古巴 里奇·穆勒、凯瑟琳·弗莱明 6.9
2. 假期/
5. 两枪射击/ 12-01
6. 死人/ 06-19
7. 柏林新浪潮/ 05-30
8. 远离/ 06-04
9. 末路狂花钱/ 05-06
10. 周处除三害/ 03-02
11. 极寒之城/ 10-05
12. 学爸/ 10-14




游荡柏林原名:Der schöne Tag,又名浪荡柏林、A Fine Day。2001年剧情类型片,创作于德国地区,具有土耳其语、德语语言版本。由托马斯·阿斯兰执导,并由托马斯·阿斯兰任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位Serpil Turhan、Bilge Bingül、弗洛里安·斯泰特 Florian Stetter、塞尔达·卡亚 Selda Kaya、Hafize Üner、Hanns Zischler、Elke Schmitter、Benedict Weber等著名实力派明星加盟。于2001-02-12(柏林电影节),2001-10-18(德国)公映。


A Fine Day is, after the films Geschwister and Dealer, the third part in a trilogy about the living conditions of Turkish youth growing up in Germany.  Deniz is 21-years-old, lives in Berlin, works as a dubbing speaker and wants to become an actress. A Fine Day describes a long, labyrinth-like day in the life of Deniz. A day in which she experiences everything that takes place a...

YiQiao 2022-01-12

In Thomas Arslan’s films, his solitary characters often wander. Whether it is with defined purposes, like the cold thrill of a new heist *** in underworld Berlin, or **** elusive ones where the **** becomes its own maze for reticent self-reflection—the spaces they pass through reveal a subtler internal tension beyond its overt narrative. Words spoken merely provide a clue to what is brewing under the surface, and even when the stakes are high, Arslan’s restrained visuals and minimalist environments render an element of quotidian drawl amongst life’s complexities. //Debbie Zhou. Wandering and Searching: Thomas Arslan’s ‘A Fine Day’[EB/OL]

NeonBible 2017-03-01

2017017 非常**的德国话痨片。现代情感话题的探讨,包括恋爱、亲情及与工作的关系。

断了气儿 2023-07-30

4.5很喜欢 女主一边在给侯麦的《夏天的故事》做配音,一边在城市游荡,一如上演侯麦的《午后之爱》。演员的步态及夜晚呈现出布列松《梦想者四夜》的感觉。

小满 2013-04-21


战将波舰金 2022-02-16

Romantic relationship is invented in 18th century

㐅㸚㸚 2023-05-24


人来人往 2013-01-17

plenty of scenes took place in U bahn and S bahn which haven't changed much today. ****** plot, long dilogues, and the costume of the protagonist is really a little bit rustic, maybe it just let the story seems **** authentic.....seems **** like a video than a movie.

星际密探 2023-10-15

“冷漠生硬缺乏公共空间,全是交通空间的城市里能有爱情吗?“ 就是太生硬了 所有人都愣愣的 结尾突然蹦一段大道理教诲观众实在好偷懒 对陌生的脸充满**是件正常的不得了的事吧