La Lucida follia di Marco Ferreri在线观看和下载

La Lucida follia di Marco Ferreri(2017)

别名:Marco Ferreri: Dangerous but Necessary



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《La Lucida follia di Marco Ferreri》相关推荐

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第二十条 雷佳音、马丽 7.6
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《La Lucida follia di Marco Ferreri》剧情内容介绍

《La Lucida follia di Marco Ferreri》


La Lucida follia di Marco Ferreri又名Marco Ferreri: Dangerous but Necessary

The lucid madness of Marco Ferreri is a journey into the unique cosmos – both supernatural and terragno – of the author. A man who abandons veterinary studies but never animals, choosing to deal primarily with the human being in his bodily and desiring essence. To get closer to the jagged and organic world, for some obstinate Ferreri, the film offers clips of his Spanish, Itali...