杀警凶案原名:La legge violenta della squadra anticrimine,又名Cross Shot
Paramount Pictures shelved this Italian action film (which is heavy on the drama) that features John Saxon in a suporting role as a cop bend on arresting a blind mafia **** Lee J. Cobb. The film too busy focus on the bank robbers and a newspaper guy Renzo Palmer instead of Saxon's plot which is a misfire to all Saxon fans. The photography and the location is wonderful, but the ...
起了个不错的头 后面的发展却很平庸 萨克森一张恶脸却只能在办公室作威作福 Capolicchio智商也不在线 马西的这部真的一般
罗西基 2018-10-01
怒海新生 2023-10-10
约翰萨克森 到意大利拍了这么多b级片,香港电影连意大利的配乐都抄袭,更不要说桥段了,真的时文化沙漠