来自野海原名:From the Wild Sea,
“When the glacial terminus broke, it marked the beginning of one of many waves.” Storms unleash along Europe’s coastlines, taking their toll. Volunteers are preparing for winter. Injured seal pups are nurtured with liquid food and warmed with infra-red lamps. Oil-soiled swans are subjected to foam baths. One stares into the eye of a giant stranded whale. And the whale looks bac...
CitrusWolfy 2021-10-04
VIFF 2021 Online,作为一个动保人士我感觉这片子的视角很有意思…完全没有什么fancy的镜头,定点拍摄到有些无聊…但是动物视角在很多时候又非常有趣,整体看下来就是又可爱,又心疼,又暖心,又感叹…哪怕是大鲸,在海浪里又是那么的渺小,在海滩**上又是那么的无奈…很喜欢那些小瓶子的解说,一个个小小的塑料制品,带走了多少条生命…
Mr. Lei 2021-06-06
【Sheffield DocFest 2021】野生动物**队
其实不叫大怪兽 2021-04-28
狂疯暴雨 2021-04-29