La Fellinette
"Fellinette" is a young girl drawn on a **** of a notebook in 1971 by Maestro Federico Fellini. "Fellinette" is the protagonist of this fairy tale which is set on the beach of Rimini on January 20, 2020, Centenary of birth of the ***** Maestro. Experience a melancholic and wonderful adventure through the fervent childhood imagination of Fellinette. Celebrate the greatest direct...
胤祥 2021-06-07
#50th Molodist IFF Online# **竞赛。算是费里尼百年诞辰纪念的应景作品吧,动画混合真人(用到了费里尼手稿里面一些形象),也就是挺可爱的。去过里米尼,海滩还原度还是挺好的!导演是费里尼的外甥女,自称是“大师唯一的继承人”,呃……
Pincent 2021-06-07
#KIFFMolodist# 导演竟是费里尼的侄女,孩童的一瞥,也是一封代表童年的动画献给真人的小丑马戏团的情书,献给她这位伟大亲戚