On October 9th, 1963, at 10:39 pm, 260 million cubic meters of rock fell down from Mount Toc to the artificial lake formed by the Vajont dam, the higher dam in the world. The landslide formed a 250-meters wave and 50 million cubic meters of water completely destroied all the below towns, killing **** than 2000 people. Planned by engineer Semenza, Vajont dam (263 meters) had to ...
阿蚊 2020-12-01
部戲系Daniel Auteuil出演嘅電影中換裝最密嘅一套,出場鏡頭湊埋唔夠20分鐘,但粗略統計就換咗10套裝束。電影根據真實**改編而成,DA飾演一個負責當時世界最高大壩Vajont***項目的工程師,其關心如何完成大壩,讓義大利政府支付建造費用,施工企業為了掩蓋地質學家指出的危險而玩弄的陰謀,最終釀成不可挽回的災難。果然這鍋還是要搵外國演員嚟飾演,電影色彩接近黑白,奠定了其基調,最後大壩決堤裹段還是十分有視覺上的衝擊,彷如置身其境。
闲闲。 2021-05-04
Watched it on hydraulic engineering course. The technical details are accurate and the decision ****** process too. The last scene makes ** heart shake.