

别名:Waynon / Void

演员: Carol Abboud Diamand Bou Abboud Takla Chamoun Talal El-Jordi Julian Farhat




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锡瓦斯 Okan Avci、Cakir 6.6
命运女神 帕塔·纳瑞、安妮·贝比亚 7.1
3. 波塔/ 10-03
4. 蜜夜/ 10-03
6. 母亲/ 10-15
7. 莫德里斯/ 10-15
8. 孤独宝贝/ 10-15
9. 末路狂花钱/ 05-06
10. 老板娘3/ 08-30
11. 极寒之城/ 10-05
12. 学爸/ 10-14





Six Lebanese women representing three generations, each one still waiting for the man in her life who was kidnapped during the Lebanese Civil War and is still missing. Their hidden emotional wounds are opened once again, one day prior to a protest in Beirut to keep their cause alive. Written by Sam Lahoud

给我吃的就夸你 2016-02-01

Six Lebanese women representing three generations, each one still waiting for the man in her life who was kidnapped during the Lebanese Civil War and is still missing. Their hidden emotional wounds are opened once again, one day prior to