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老师,别哭 董钒、王浩宇
学爸 黄渤、单禹豪 6.0
1. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
2. 坠落的审判/ 12-25
3. 悟·空/ 06-04
4. 默杀/ 09-18




小屁孩战群妖原名:Kids vs Monsters,

The six richest people in the world each have one thing still dragging them down.. their intolerable kids. Luckily, there is a mysterious entity that is happy to ****. See, he has some monsters of his own and they are just dying to **** out their skills.. One house. Six kids. Seven monsters. Who will be left standing? It's time for a showdown.. it's Kids Vs Monsters!

萨德主义 2015-10-17


dreaming121 2015-10-16
