别名:破镜重圆 / Aus tiefster Seele(德国) / Tela em Branco(巴西)
演员: Joe Pantoliano Marcia Gay Harden Devon Gearhart
卡瓦斯原名:Canvas,又名破镜重圆、Aus tiefster Seele(德国)、Tela em Branco(巴西)
John Marino is a Florida construction worker struggling to make ends meet, while bringing up his son, Chris, and dealing with the increasing irrationality of Mary, his schizophrenic wife. For Chris, his mother's erratic behavior begins to have negative consequences at school. And, after Mary's hospitalization, a lonely John begins to build a sailboat that recalls a happier time...
隐君子 2023-07-01
存了这么久,终于看了,家里有个有精神疾病的家庭很不容易,妈妈最后还是没好。 (1:40:51)
兜兜呈 2023-03-11
祎 2010-08-12
小莫莫呀呀 2022-01-14
现实而浪漫,电影中的几段钢琴曲更是一绝,看着看着不经意就落泪,一切是那么的(不)平静。 我本以为这种细腻的浪漫只有**能拍出来,是我孤陋寡看了。 它是那么的平静祥和。 以至于他治愈了我。
梅友仁 2014-12-05
La Bella Pazza...recomendación