A young driver, an elderly passenger and a coffin haphazardly tied in the trunk, find themselves in a taxi. The ride becomes a dreamlike peregrination and the two men are transported to strangely real places where the memories of a whole life, most often cruel, are interwoven with fantasies. During this trip they will become acquainted with, or run into again, Karkalou, a woman...
晚秋 2022-01-09
[83min] 很别致的希腊电影,一辆送棺材的计程车路上带着一个人,然后在送达之前产生了一些奇幻的旅程,年轻人和老者之间有时参加聚会,有时又讨论历史,有时又在采石场,还面对圣人或者造车,其中相同的是他们总是在面对同一个**的不同形象,直到到达目的地,安稳下葬,故事结构非常奇妙,很有意思。