别名:Travis Beard
喀布尔重金属原名:Rockabul,又名Travis Beard
Today, Afghans are one of the largest migrant populations fleeing their country for Europe/the West. Since 2002 the international community has injected **** than a trillion dollars into Afghanistan. What went wrong? This film examines the counter insurgency/ culture campaign that the US government [and others] waged. Told through the eyes of Afghan youth, who start the country...
胤祥 2018-07-20
#22nd BIFAN# 鹿特丹错过的片(本来也没打算看)跑到富川补上了……虽说知道阿富汗摇滚艺术家生存状况是个蛮不错的事情,但这个片子纪录片**问题大了去了,就不说它的作为纪录片的基本技巧了……导演竟然没有任何自我反思的意识也是……
iamface 2019-10-20
阿富汗第一隊metal band,因地方因宗教問題,一直難於享受音樂,與生俱來的自由和平欠奉就算連音樂亦變得奢侈,影片中對於音樂的熱愛情感的抒發不難感受得到,後來局勢變化更加難以為繼,危機處處放手還是掙扎的取捨,愛自己國家但已不再是自己國家,某情度來說頗有同感,他們的重金屬和肉身最後只能流放他鄉,歌不錯片亦可一看