爵士熊与马古先生原名:The Ragtime Bear with Mister Magoo,又名The Ragtime Bear
This is the first of a series of cartoons featuring the near sighted Mister Magoo. He and his nephew, Waldo, are en route to a vacation at a lodge in the mountains and Waldo's banjo playing tends to be rather annoying for Magoo but a nearby grizzly bear is really interested in the banjo. When Waldo falls off a mountain ledge, the bear gets hold of the banjo and starts playing. ...
我们在一九八四 2018-05-01
马小褂 2018-04-25
马古先生的首次登场,在当时以动物明星为主流的美国动画界显得颇有新意。Hubley 充分利用了前卫的镜头构图和色彩氛围来渲染每个场景的情绪表达。片中饱受现代美术思想浸*的动画美术带来了巨大影响,从此无数动画工作室开始效仿他们的前卫美术风格,其中也包括了华纳和米高梅。
Panda的影音 2023-12-24
爵士熊与马古先生 The Ragtime Bear with Mister Magoo (1949):https://***.bilibili****/video/BV18x411j79S/
浮生若梦 2022-11-22
小爱 2020-05-30
Magoo***。熊也太可爱了(๑• . •๑)
A.C 2019-02-01
Cedric 2017-11-06
最后一代#蒸子# 2019-05-09
不得不说 jazz bear 和 ragtime bear还是有差距的。中间活熊死熊快速cos那一段十足十*中我的笑点。