

别名:The Altitude of the Sea / A Lonely Island in the Distant Sea

演员: 李妍 朴钟焕 姜京宪 朴贤淑 郑秀斌




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秘密之丘 文胜雅、张善 8.2
度日勉强 努诺·洛佩斯、Filipa Areosa 6.2
1. 破浪/ 可下载
2. Goodbye B1/ 05-18
4. 恶霸/ 12-05
5. 코스모스/ 01-23
6. 对话/ 05-08
7. 怪房客/ 03-07
8. 庆州纪行/ 02-08
9. 老师,别哭/ 09-02
10. 学爸/ 10-14
11. 女囚风暴1995/ 11-21
12. 坠落的审判/ 12-25




绝海孤岛原名:절해고도,又名The Altitude of the Sea、A Lonely Island in the Distant Sea。创作于韩国地区,具有韩语语言版本。由金美英执导,并由金美英任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位李妍、朴钟焕、姜京宪、朴贤淑、郑秀斌等著名实力派明星加盟。于2021-10-08(釜山电影节)公映。


As the title suggests, this film is serene and contemplative in the way that it portrays drifts, solitude, and mysteries in life with a calm voice. Yoonchul is a sculptor, but he mostly makes living with an interior design ***. He is divorced, and his daughter fails to fit into the school life and is considered a troublemaker, although she shows much talent in art, like her fat...

🍄 2023-11-26

[follow thru]tbh last nights heavy rain scene我第一反应竟然是ugh thiss exactly what I previously dreamed of.. nnn also 莫名的fishdrops scene just! like! <Magnolia> homage💭 都怀疑导演是不是在借鉴PTA 好想大窥探曹保平的私人片单..!

山人泽兰 2024-03-02
