僵尸大屠杀2:亡灵帝国原名:Zombie Massacre 2: Reich of the Dead,
Set in the WWII it tells the story of a bunch of american soldiers fighting against a horde of zombies created by the Nazis using the prisoners of the camps... They have only one night to save their own lives but the enemy is stronger and stronger...
** 2019-05-02
**,烂电影,到30分才开始有丧尸出现。丧尸题材每次都有二战德军- -!没中文字幕看个鬼 啊
蓝点 2015-12-11
超级大烂片!教科书般的定义了烂片。 乌维.鲍尔,你以为你穿了马甲我就认不出你了吗?
喜欢大雷的** 2021-07-17